You Don't Have to Hide From Rosacea: Embrace Your Face!

grab your own embrace your face t-shirt today to spread skin positivity all year long

grab your own embrace your face t-shirt today to spread skin positivity all year long

“You look just fine.”

Out of all the comments ever made to me about my face, this is the ONE phrase that would cut me deepest. Mainly, because it downplays the struggle I face each day with my rosacea. The redness on my skin is so much more than a color that you see.

It will always be hard for me to understand the other side of you look just fine. I can’t help but wonder if the person saying it to me, whether in person or virtually, would be “just fine” with fire red cheeks and cystic acne that leaves a trail of bumps and scars all across their face? Would they be able to write off the painful, burning sensation every time water or the sun touches their face? Would they be able to resist the urge to cry as their skin itches and scabs beyond their control?

They say first impressions make lasting impact. What does that mean for those of us whose most visible part of our initial encounters with strangers, is compromised and deemed “ugly”?

I won’t lie to you. I LOVED living in that headspace. The one that swims in self pity and throws up its arms and says “I’m the victim. It’s out of my control.” I still find myself there, envious and jealous of everyone with clear skin, as I look at my large pores, and red flaky skin in the mirror. But here’s the turning point (in case you are looking for a different perspective too):

Maybe ‘You look just fine’ isn’t a glass empty statement people make. Maybe my anger and annoyance isn’t actually about what they said, but more about ME and WHAT I LACK.

I WANT peace of mind about my skin. As I’m sure you do too. I want to not think about it and look at others and say “I don’t actually care” even though I do.

So what’s the answer?

How can I embrace my face when it feels impossible not to hate it?

The answer is: It’s all about perspective.

Comments like “you look just fine” or “it’s not a big deal” can be taken as a compliment rather than an indication to “stop complaining.” My skin IS just fine. Your skin IS just fine. It’s different, sure. But it doesn’t define me, and it certainly doesn’t define you. And it clearly isn’t defining you to the people who make those comments, as they don’t see what the big deal is.

You can either choose to see yourself as flawed and continue to be angry and upset at yourself and others OR you can choose to not let it affect your day and turn it into a mantra - Yeah. You’re f*cking right I’m fine. ✌️

I attribute this shift in thinking to most of the progress I’ve made in healing my skin. Stress and anxiety are the breeding ground of rosacea flareups and by stopping the cycle of negative self talk (or at least taking the edge off of it) has allowed me space to breathe. There’s no substitute for a solid skincare routine and treatment plan, but in conjunction with positive self talk, I guarantee you’ll notice a difference. Plus, you’ll just feel better overall, which is a win-win in my book too.

I hope wherever you are reading this, you have a fantastic day. If you’re like me and need a tangible way to put healthy habits into practice, consider downloading one of my freebies to help guide you on your skin journey or support my blog by purchasing an Embrace Your Face shirt or accessory. If you do, be sure to tag me wearing/using it on Instagram (@kristinmoras) so that I can personally say thank you 💖