Skincare Spotlight: Taking Back Control of Rosacea with @Becca.rosynose_

Rosacea is an emotional rollercoaster. One day, it can feel like peace and acceptance has been made. The next, we come out of the bathroom crying from picking and tearing our skin apart (literally and figuratively). We’ve all been there. But it’s what you do after those moments that counts.

It is the first day of Rosacea Awareness Month and today’s Skincare Spotlight feature couldn’t be more fitting. Rebecca has proven time and again that when the chips get you down, sometimes waaaay down, tomorrow is a new day. Flareups will always come and go, but one thing you can control is your outlook on life and yourself.

I hope you enjoy today’s post and don’t forget to like, comment, and share across social media for the rest of Rosacea Awareness Month!

☕ xoxo Kristin

Name: Rebecca

Age: 34

Skintype: Acne Rosacea

IG Handle: becca.rosynose_

At what age did you develop skin issues?

I was 25 when I started with symptoms of Rosacea. I was pregnant with my second child.

How did you feel/perceive acne and rosacea before? After getting diagnosed?

I didn’t really have any preconceptions of skin conditions prior to my diagnosis. I had never heard of rosacea beforehand and I had hormonal acne since a being a teen, but nothing as bad as when rosacea joined the party. I had seen people with rosacea (at the time not knowing what it was) and often thought how sore and painful it looked. When I was first diagnosed I very much resided myself to the fact that I would look like a baboons backside for the rest of my life. I had learnt to live with it. I had learnt to brush off the comments and the stares. Although a part of me knows I shouldn’t have to!

How did you come to #embraceyourface, “imperfections” and all?

Eventually after 7 or 8 years of feeling really low and having little to no confidence, I got angry at myself for letting not just other people’s opinions about my skin get to me, but also allowing myself to get into such a negative place around my skin. So I faked it till I made it. I started sharing my story on Instagram and researching my condition and how I could help myself. I had seen countless ‘professionals’ and taken more medication than I care to remember. I wanted to be back in control of my own skin. I wanted to help others get over the shame I held against myself.

What are your ride or die skincare products?

I’m in love with my Rosa light LED face mask, I use it 3 times a week.

Niacinamide, La Roche-Posay’s Effaclar Duo and CeraVe’s moisturiser are my go to skin care products, but most importantly I changed my diet. I don’t follow a diet or anything like that, I’m just more conscious of what I put in and on my body.

What is the best way you’ve found to manage your acne or rosacea?

The one thing I have learnt through all of this is not to get hung up on things I see on social media regarding products and ‘advice’ that doesn’t work for me. Rosacea has a massive learning curve and not everything works.

Any final thoughts or words of advice?

Everyone’s skin is different and not everything works for us all the same way. Listen to your body and your skin and do what is right for you. This is your journey.

You can follow Rebecca’s healing journey and Rosacea lifestyle on Instagram here.