Skincare to Soothe and Manage Rosacea Flare-ups

Skincare for Rosacea

What do you do to help with the burning (skin on fire) itchy face during rosacea breakouts?

- Sincerely, a follower who is struggling

I got this question the other day on Instagram, and it’s one that I’ve been getting some variation of for the past month since starting to document my current rosacea flare-up. So I wanted to put everything I’m doing now, plus what I have done in past rosacea flare-ups, all in one spot for easy reference. I hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to send me a message!

Disclaimer: I am NOT a dermatologist and you should always consult yours before trying any new products and medications.
I’m simply sharing products and tips that have worked for my particular skin type and situation
and is in no way intended to diagnose or treat yours.


Step one: See a dermatologist

Maybe you’ve been burned in the past. The dermatologist didn’t give you a firm diagnosis, told you “it’ll pass” or just threw their hands up and said “come see me again in two months and we’ll reevaluate.”

I’ve been there. It sucks. You feel ignored and worst of all you leave with no tools or solutions on how to handle what is happening with your skin. But I’m here to tell you: GO SEE A DERMATOLOGIST ANYWAY. If the one you’re seeing is not giving you answers, that’s not on you. Find a new doctor until you land on one who can give you answers. It’s tedious and absolutely should be easier to do, but your skin won’t wait for the world to catch up. The longer you let rosacea go without medical treatment the worse IT WILL get. Trust me on this one.

This is because rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease. That’s right, disease. There is currently no cure for it, but there is a lot you can do to manage and prevent it from getting worse. That’s why finding a good dermatologist and getting a prescription for either a topical cream or lotion or oral antibiotic is so important. Once you complete this step, you’re ready to move onto…

Step two: Stop using cleansers

I’m not saying throw your cleanser away, just tuck it to the back of your medicine cabinet for a while. Rosacea skin can be so inflamed and irritated at the onset of a flare-up that even water burns. What I have found to be the most effective (not to mention the quickest) way to get over this stage of a flare-up is to avoid using cleansers of all types. Even the gentle ones.

This is because your skin barrier, for whatever reason, is compromised. The more you use a cleanser, the more you are stripping it of its natural oils and defenses, causing the skin’s ability to heal to be slowed or even stopped altogether. Think of it this way: if you get a really bad sunburn, you don’t scrub it with soap twice a day. Instead, you leave it alone and let it heal on it’s own.

Until the pain from your flare-up (I’m not talking about redness, just the pain) goes away, try to only splash your face with cool water in the morning and evening and then apply your prescription topical that you got from your dermatologist in step one above. I also recommend avoiding any moisturizers or skin oils, even if they say “hydrating,” because these tend to have ingredients or chemicals in them that can further aggravate your skin if the barrier is compromised. Your skin will be dry, but like a sunburn, let it peel until it heals.


OK. So now you’ve seen a dermatologist, gotten a prescription, and the pain from your flare-up is gone. Now you are ready to start incorporating more skincare back into your routine. Start this process slow, make sure you are using gentle cleansers, and be sure to monitor carefully to see if things start to get worse again or if they are improving. Below is a list of products that I am using currently to manage my rosacea. These things are working for me now and have worked in the past and I only list brands that I believe in or trust. Also, #notsponsored.

How to control your rosacea

AM Cleanser: Botanics Softening Cleanser with Rose Hip

I typically just splash my face with cool water, but if I wake up extra greasy I’ll use this product. It’s texture is similar to a lotion and I apply it to dry skin, work it in circular motions, then rinse with cool to lukewarm water.

PM Cleanser: Neutrogena HydroBoost Cleansing Gel

I’ve been impressed with this face wash as of late. It’s affordable, smells nice, and doesn't cause excessive dryness or irritation to my skin. It claims to use “skin barrier technology” (whatever that means) but overall I have found this to be an accurate statement. In full disclosure, I don’t use this every night. I mainly use it if I’ve been wearing makeup (which I recommend you avoid during a flare-up, if possible) or sunscreen or have gotten especially sweaty during the day. Otherwise, I just use the Botanics cleanser or water.

Prescription Lotion: Clindamycin Topical Lotion 1%

I apply this antibiotic lotion morning and night after cleansing my face. Often this is the only thing I will use during a flare-up. I’ve used Soolantra and Finacea in the past, as these topicals are the only ones safe for pregnancy (I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant if you didn’t know). When I’m not pregnant, I’ll usually take doxycycline (an oral antibiotic) to help get my flare-up under control.

Moisturizer: Pacifica Coconut Probiotic

Tread lightly with this one. There are lots of ingredients in it that could potentially make your rosacea worse. For me, this moisturizer is soothing and not too heavy (I also struggle with cystic acne). I rarely use it though. If I do, it’s because I plan on wearing makeup and I want an extra layer of protection between my skin and the makeup. It also helps the makeup go on smoother. I sometimes will wear it if I’ve done a face mask and my skin feels dry.

Treatment mask: Aalgo Seaweed Face Mask

This is a new addition to my skincare lineup. I used to use the Banish Charcol Mask to help control my acne, but right now my skin is too sensitive for it. When I’m not having a flare-up it doesn’t irritate or cause one, so definitely check them out too if interested! Currently, I use the Aalgo face mask to help with soothing irritation and I’ve even found it helps with the redness.

Me when my rosacea is calm

Me when my rosacea is calm

me during a flare-up

me during a flare-up

And that’s it! I like to keep things simple. The world of skincare and makeup is full of products vying for our attention and use, but I honestly feel like our skin doesn’t need that much to be happy. Especially if you struggle with rosacea or acne or any other inflammatory skin condition. Often, layering on different products in an effort to “correct” our skin will push it further out of balance.

Give this routine a try for a couple of weeks, whether you use the products I recommend or ones you find on your own, and let me know how it goes. I truly want to see you confident and comfortable in your skin <3
