Natural Skincare Routine: Fall Edition

Natural Skincare Routine: Fall Edition

Writing about natural beauty and skincare in the lifestyle blogging world feels a bit cajoling. Everyone wants a foolproof routine (that’s also nontoxic) and so there are hundreds of posts daily on the subject. Each one proving to people that their particular brands, products, or method is what will finally be the answer to all-natural flawless beauty. 

Use oil cleansers to wash your face, follow a 10-step process to exfoliate and moisturize, use a foundation with soothing oat milk - applied with fingers in a circular motion, not a bacteria laden sponge - jump up and down to make sure make-up is set, and then voila. FLAWLESS COMPLEXION. EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. 

Honestly, I hope that one day I can write a post (less intensive) about how I use just one or two products for all my skincare needs, but, I confess, I’m not there. Instead, my beauty routines have been 17 years in the making - and there’s still room for improvement.

When I got my first pimple at the age of 14, I went directly to the grocery store and bought the strongest acne cleanser I could find. Weeks into my first encounter with “face washing,” what started as one blemish turned into 15 angry spots all over my face. I was convinced that it was puberty, or whatever it is about being an awkward teenager that turns formerly clear skin into a simultaneously dry and greasy mess. It was months, nay, years until I realized that the angry, inflamed skin I had was not a result of my age, but rather was due to my coveted benzoyl peroxide face wash. But I didn’t turn my back on acne cleansers just yet. In fact, I doubled down. My reasoning: I must not be using enough product for it to work.

After I graduated highschool, I had seen numerous dermatologists, been prescribed a number of topical creams plus an oral antibiotic. When those didn’t fully work, I was labeled with polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) and it was decided that my condition was the culprit behind my horrible cystic acne. I was effectively put on birth control and my doctors called it a day. 

The birth control worked for a time and I used it until I was about 23 years old. I didn’t stick with the harsh cleansers of my adolescence and began to research more “natural” forms of skincare. I have spent the last 10 years or so on the “cruelty-free, eco-friendly” train, trying a variety of store bought and homemade elixirs for my beauty needs. I’ve tried very inexpensive and simple products like plain coconut oil for lotion and Dr. Bronner’s bar soap for my face and body. I’ve also tried very expensive products like Banish’s Vitamin C cream moisturizer. I tried everything short of dousing myself in apple cider vinegar and chanting affirmations to the skincare gods. 

So before you get too excited, this post won’t reveal a miracle answer or product for your very unique skincare needs. But it’s a starting point to jump off of. The particulars about beauty and skincare routines are just that, particulars. There are hundreds of methods out there with equally expansive product recommendations. What’s helpful for me, won’t likely be beneficial for you. But maybe this can be a place where we can offer each other some encouragement and promising skincare advice. 

Natural Skincare Routine: Fall Edition

I’m 33 and still deal with acne. The redness and rosacea joined when I was 27. Believe it or not, this picture is on a “good skin” day. Those who struggle with acne will relate.

My Fall Natural Beauty and Skincare Routines

Cleanser: Morning and night

I’m currently using the Dr. Bronner’s All-in-One Bar Soap in the scent “rose.” Rose and rosehip oil is incredibly soothing for sensitive skin. I just happened to notice this soap on the shelf one day and thought “eh, why not.” It’s a wonderful surprise to say the least. It thoroughly cleans my face, but doesn’t leave it dry. I swear sometimes I see a glimpse of my former pre-acne and rosacea prone skin for a few moments after washing. I use this morning and night.

Eye treatment: Morning and night

After washing my face, I use the Follain French Girl Organics Eye Opening Rosehip Oil. Again, rosehip. Very soothing. I’m not sure if I can proclaim this product as an effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, but it sure does a good job of hiding them. Dryness always highlights my laugh lines. This oil leaves my under eye expertly moisturized and supple, so the lines seem more subtle.

Moisturizer: at night

I’ve sworn off most facial masks and treatments, but the Pacifica Wake Up Beautiful is doing a good job restoring my faith. It has rose oil (are you noticing the trend here?) and leaves my skin dewy when I wake up in the morning. Usually heavy night creams, while soothing for my rosacea, can clog my pores and cause massive breakouts. This cream does not. 

Moisturizer: in the morning

I recently had the privilege of trying out Banish’s all natural skin care products. Of the four products I tested, two have remained as part of my skincare routine. The Vitamin C Cream is a wonderful lightweight moisturizer that I use in the morning after washing my face. It has aloe in it which soothes inflammation, but what I like most is that after application it doesn’t feel like I put anything on my face. This is great for my t-zone which tends to be quite oily and prone to acne breakouts. 

Special treatment: once a week 

Finally, upon encouragement from my recent experiments with Banish skin care products, I’ve found a deeper treatment for my acne that I use once a week. It’s the Charcoal Clay Masque and I’m not sure why it doesn’t aggravate my rosacea, but who am I to question a good thing when I find it? I apply it every Wednesday night as part of a greater evening self care routine, let it sit and dry for 15 minutes, and then rinse. It does leave my skin feeling a bit tight, but that is instantly remedied with my Pacifica moisturizer. This mask also seems to reduce the amount of black heads I have, so I’m sold.


What else? What do you all do?

psst, you can also watch how I use these products here.