A Year of Intentions: 2024

Moving forward, this blog is going to be different. I’ve been largely absent from sharing about my rosacea journey for the last several years, because there have been some hardships taking place in my life. I miss posting and sharing about skincare. It’s hard to write about when there is so much going on behind the scenes.

With that said, I have been wanting to share my thoughts and personal stories. I just haven’t known how. So I’ve decided to go “old school” (do people still say that?) and post a traditional journal-style blog this year.

I’m not sure if I’ll get back to talking about my rosacea and skin the way I used to. It seems so far away compared to everything else going on. Until then…

When looking back on 2023…

I would choose LESS:

  • Time spinning my wheels

  • Over committing myself to others 

  • Sugar and reactionary eating

I would choose MORE:

  • Time outside

  • Intentional meals

  • Quality time with my kids

In 2024, I want to feel grounded and secure.

Here are some ways I might do that:

  • Before saying yes, take space to see if I have capacity or if it is something that lines up with my values.

  • Choose healthy habits over “easy” ones. For example, a nap over an extra cup of coffee.

What about you? What are some intentions you’ve set for 2024?